Regarding "Toby"
It has been suggested that the Cheese-Hungry Grunt be named Toby in reference to a Hollywood Halo video. With the link provided by PittofDoom, I watched the video and I gotta say, I can't let that happen. The film was great and funny, but Toby spoke in a normal voice. And when I write jokes with the Cheese-Hungry Grunt in them, I always intend for the reader to imagine that typical squeeky Grunt voice from the Halo games when they read his dialog.
But the readers are as much a part of this project as I am so I'm gonna open it up for discussion. What do YOU think the Cheese-Hungry Grunt should be named. Bill? Gabbey? Dave Foley? And since I believe in being fair, if I get enough suggestions for "Toby" I'll let it be. "Enough" being about 30.